Keith Wong




Keith brings a wealth of experience and expertise in working with and investing in start-up companies, effectively guiding them to maturity for capital market opportunities. With a keen analytical mind and quick problem-solving skills, Keith remains focused on the bigger picture at hand. His extensive background spans across various industries, including mining, education, stem cells, internet, software, mobile apps, steel, auto parts, communications, and consumer products.


    2:05 PM - 2:35 PM

    Wednesday General Session 1/31/2024

    Markets Are Global, But the US Has the Biggest Draw

    • What are the most glaring regulatory and other differences between US markets vs. those in Asia and Europe?
    • How does the capital raise process and interest level for microcaps in Asia and Europe compare with in the US?
    • Has the economic growth surge of China impacted markets in the rest of Asia and even in Europe, and in what ways?
    • Is the LSE still as attractive as a public vehicle for international companies as it was a decade ago, or has the US regained its allure?
    • ASEAN member nations appear to be favoring the US market as opposed to the geographically closer Chinese one. Why is that?
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